The majority of Translation Organizations require translators to pass exams or prove their competance in order to join and become associates or full members.
Some Organizations regulate Sworn translators, meaning those translators can translate for the Courts and Government departments of that country and their Sworn translations are seen as Legally valid and accepted as such.
Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL-UK)
Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI-UK)
Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association (ITIA-Ireland)
Société Française des Traducteurs (SFT-French)
Sworn French translators in Paris (CETIECAP-French)
Association of German Translators (BDU-German)
Spanish Association of Translators, Interpreters and Proof readers (Sworn included) (ASETRAD-Spain)
Spanish Sworn translators (MAEC-Spanish)
Dutch Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV)
Dutch Society of Interpreters and Translators (Sworn-NGTV)
Dutch Sworn Translators (Sworn)
Register of Dutch Sworn Interpreters and Translators (RBTV)
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (AITI-Italian)
Belgian Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Philologists (CBTIP-Belgian)
(Sworn) Austrian association of Certified Court Interpreters (AACI-Austria)
Austrian Sworn translators in Vienna (Sworn translators-Austrian)
Austrian Professional Association of Interpreting and Translating (UNIVERSITAS-Austria)
Sworn translators in Switzerland (Sworn translators-Swiss)
Swiss Association of Translators , terminology and Interpreters (ASTTI-Swiss)
Sworn translators in Czech Republic (Sworn translators-Czech)
Sworn translators in Romania (Sworn translators-Romanian)
(Sworn) The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL-Finnish)
Swedish Association of Professional Translators (SFヨ-Swedish)
Swedish Association of Professional Translators (SFヨ-Swedish)
(Sworn) Federation of Authorized Translators in Sweden (FAT-Swedish)
(Sworn) Translators Association in Norway (STF-Norwegian)
(Sworn) Danish Authorised Translators and Interpreters (DT-Danish)
American Translation Association (ATA-USA)
(Sworn) National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT-USA)
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO-Canadian French)
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta (ATIA-Canadian French)
Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC-Canadian French)
Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interpretes agr鳬s du Qu饕ec (OTTIAQ-Canadian French)
(Sworn) South African Translators' Institute (SATI-South Africa)
NAETI-certified translator (Chinese Ministry of Education)
CATTI-certified translator (Chinese Ministry of Personnel)
Japan Association of Translators (JAT-Japanese)
These Interpretation organizations are recognised by UK courts and UK Government departments as providing suitably trained interpreters for the courts/police, etc.. and they (NRPSI) require interpreters to pass an exam (Diploma in Public Service Interpreting) in order to join.
National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI-UK)
Association of Police and Court Interpreters (APCI-UK)
Pre Aug. 2011, only NRPSI and APCI interpreters could act as interpreters in UK courts. Court administration staff would have access to the NRPSI list of members and would contact them directly regarding individual cases/assignments, often building long standing work relations.
Post Aug.2011
The Ministry of Justice awarded all interpreting work to a single company ('Applied Language Solutions', now 'Capita Translation and Interpreting') in order to make savings. The result was that NRPSI interpreters were not willing to accept pay reductions, less minimum working times and lower travel expenses. As a result untrained interpreters were used by Capita TI to fill the gap, leading to complaints from judges and solicitors. Currently it looks like the courts and solicitors are now abandoning the Capita TI/MoJ agreement/contract and revert back to the pre Aug. 2011 NRPSI lists.
The MoJ contract was initailly with the courts and was then to be extended to Police forces, although this seems to have been adandoned and Police forces can independantly choose which system to go with (Capita TI or the old way of directly with NRPSI interpreters).
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