Map of dialects in Lithuania

Lithuanian spoken dialects:

  • Samogitian dialect: in the West(light blue area)
  • Lithuanian writing
  • Aukštaitian dialect in the Centre and East (light red area)


Lietuvos Respublika (Republic of Lithuania), or just Lietuva (Lithuania)

Lithuanian belongs to the Baltic language group and is similar to Latvian (although not mutually intelligible).

Latvian was oppressed during the Soviet occupation. There are numerous loan words, mostly from the German, Polish and nowadays English language.

Spoken Lithuanian

Nouns are written in small letters.

Some vowels feature a dot above or a comma below (the latter is known as "ogonek").

Written Lithuanian

Q, W, X and Y are not used in the Latvian alphabet, only in loan words and foreign words.

Lithuanian Latin Alphabet

There are 32 letters in the Lithuanian alphabet.

It does use accents, see below:

Full Lithuanian Alphabet

   a      A  

   ą      Ą  

   b      B  

   c      C  

   č      Č  

   d      D  

   e      E  

   ę      Ę  

   ė      Ė  

   f      F  

   g      G  

   h      H  

   i      I  

   į      Į  

   j      J  

   k      K  

   l      L  

   m      M  

   n      N  

   o      O  

   p      P  

   r      R  

   s      S  

   š      Š  

   t      T  

   u      U  

   ų      Ų  

   ū      Ū  

   v      V  

   y      Y  

   z      Z  

   ž      Ž  

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Translation Service
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Lithuanian Translation sample:

Visi žmones gimsta laisvi ir lygus savo orumu ir teisemis. Jiems suteiktas protas ir sažine ir jie turi elgtis vienas kito atžvilgiu kaip broliai.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Lithuanian Speaking countries


Indo-European Language group

European language groups

Indo-European > Baltic

Lithuanian letter writing samples

  • Letter (formal)
  • Letter (informal)