Spoken Albanian:![]()
There are two main dialects divided geographically by the Shkumbin river:
Tosk (Toskësisht)
The official language is spoken in Southern Albania
Gheg (Gegërisht)
is spoken in Northern Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and parts of Bulgaria
One of the main differences between the dialect are nasalized letters, which are abundant in Gheg but not used in Tosk. Many Gheg speakers feel themselves discriminated by Tosk speakers.
Shqipëria (Albania) derives from the Albanian word Shqiptonjë, which means "eagle". Albanians refer to themselves as Sons of the Eagles.
In its spoken form, it is spoken/pronounced how it is written (except for the letter ë). German as a second language is used more than English, especially outside the Capital.
Written (Tosk) using the Latin Alphabet. Additions to the Latin Alphabet:
ë, ç, and 9 digraphs: dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh
Prior to 1908 the Arabian and Greek alphabet was used, although since this date it is exclusively the Latin alphabet.
To type accents with ALT codes, hold down the ALT key, then on the numeric keypad type the three or four digits listed here. However not with laptops, ALT codes only work with the numeric keypad, NOT the row of numbers across the top of your keyboard, as on laptops.
c with cedilla
ç ALT + 135 Ç ALT
+ 128
e with tréma
ë ALT + 137 Ë ALT
+ 0203
dh digraph
dh Dh
gj digraph
gj Gj
ll digraph
ll Ll
nj digraph
nj Nj
rr digraph
rr Rr
sh digraph
sh Sh
th digraph
th Th
xh digraph
xh Xh
zh digraph
zh Zh
The Albanian alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and has 36 letters.
To type accents with ALT codes, hold down the ALT key, then on the numeric keypad type the three or four digits listed here. However not with laptops, ALT codes only work with the numeric keypad, NOT the row of numbers across the top of your keyboard, as on laptops.
a A
b B
c C
ç Ç
d D
dh Dh
e E
ë Ë
f F
g G
h H
i I
j J
k K
l L
m M
n N
o O
p P
q Q
r R
s S
t T
u U
v V
w W
x X
y Y
z Z
Të gjithë njerëzit lindin të lirë dhe të barabartë në dinjitet dhe në të drejta. Ata kanë arsye dhe ndërgjegje dhe duhet të sillen ndaj njëri tjetrit me frymë vëllazërimi.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Albania, Kosovo.
The Defense Language Institute categorizes Albanian as difficult (level 3, of 4 levels)